How to store pesticides correctly

The proper storage of pesticides can often be overlooked. We tend to think more about sorting the weeds out, rather than what we do with the pesticides before and after we’ve used them. But using, storing and disposing of pesticides incorrectly can cause potential harm to ourselves and our environment. Follow our guide to help you take the correct steps to storing pesticides and you’ll protect yourself, children, pets, wildlife and watercourses.

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Dos ✅

  • Read all the details on the pesticide bottle carefully

  • Follow the instructions on the label to find a safe spot to store the pesticide in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight

  • Keep chemicals out of reach of children and pets

  • Mark the containers clearly with the date you opened or diluted it and note the pesticide’s expiry date

  • Check pesticide containers frequently for damage.



  • Never decant pesticides into other containers as the product label holds vital information and you may spill chemical solutions

  • Don’t store pesticides near drains, in cabinets near food, medical supplies or cleaning products

  • Avoid storing in a room where food or beverages are prepared or eaten

  • Don't stack the containers in case they fall over and spill or become damaged.


Top Tips:

1.     Don’t stockpile! Only buy and store what you need at that particular time.

2.     Always store pesticides in their original containers – it’s not safe to transfer them to other bottles.

3.     If in doubt, go back to the retailer or manufacturer for advice.


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