About Us


PestSmart is brought to you by Welsh Water. We're encouraging smarter ways of weed, pest and plant disease control that help protect people, water and wildlife.

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Welsh Water works hard to look after the land, rivers and reservoirs to protect the sources of your drinking water for years to come; we call this approach ‘Watersource.’

PestSmart is our latest Watersource campaign which promotes a smarter approach to managing weeds, pests and plant diseases. Our routine water monitoring programme has detected increasing traces of pesticides in areas we have never seen them before. While these levels are too low to pose a risk to those to those drinking the water, they’re enough to risk breaching rigorous drinking water standards. We want to work with you to address this issue together.

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By safeguarding and improving raw water quality before it gets to our water treatment works, we can avoid using additional chemicals and energy to get your drinking water perfect. Working together to reduce our reliance on pesticides helps us to keep bills low and safeguards and protects the environment for generations to come.

Do your bit, be PestSmart.

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Additional funding from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) has supported us to expand and extend PestSmart to work across Wales.

Want to get in touch?